keys features

With a self-service dashboard, you can:
- Load what you need in real time
- Drill down to connected datasets
- Add/remove widgets or pages
- Create objects with specific calculations
- Publish your customized dashboard
- Schedule it to generate Pdf / Excel / Csv reports and / or send emails
- Enter data using forms
Self-service dashboard are grouped into Start menu. They are visible to users according to business needs.
Speed dial is the fastest way to open a dashboard with one click. Each tabs contains a set of dashboards grouped by business logic.
A Dashboard is like a document. It consist of a table of content, pages, widgets and real-time data from one or several datasets.
Widgets displays data in many ways, such as KPI, List, Pivotlist, Chart, Map, Report, HTML. They can be added and pin on pages. Widget editor works with Drag and drop , to update or create custom objects. Optionnal widget toolbar is for data navigation.
Drill down shows all possible connected datasets for selected item. Each connection is a dashboard you may open with a click. Number of child elements are displayed.
Report is a custom layout created with a visual designer. It’s available as widget, Pdf or it may be printed . Report can be produced on user demand or with a scheduled tasks.
Export data into xlsx, csv, json, pdf, on user demand or with a scheduled tasks. Export is controled by user permission.
Self-service dashboard can be customized with Drag&Drop, widget’s editor, add/remove pages/widgets.
Publish a customized dashboard with selected params and preferred layout for a group of users. Data will be loaded real-time according to saved params.
Keys features

Config creator:
- Display database hierarchy as a tree!
- Calculate all possible drill down
- Let you select tables for drill down and code tables
- Generate automatically user-customizable dashboards.
- Datasets are created with optimized SQL queries.
- Custom SQL code and objects are managed using dedicated editors.
Config creator will generate dashboards, params, datasets, queries with joins, ready to be customized. A config is a set of XML files. Any versionning system may be used (SVN, GIT,..).
Database is represented as a tree. Just select top tables, drilldown and code tables. Missing foreign keys can be defined with Storm. Drilldown tree with keys is displayed prior to create a config.
Design default layout of self-service dahsboard by adding pages and widgets displaying current or connected dataset. Customize generated objects and create default objects for each widget.
NCReportDesigner is a graphical tool to design report template. A report is made of header and footer, with possibilities of multiple groups with specific header, section and footer. Just add text, html text, variable, line, rectangle, ellipse, image, barcode, chart, table view and etc.. and print it when an expression is verified.
Query editor is for update native SQL source code, defining placeholder and macro. The compiler will build the query placing selected params according to placeholder. Scripting javascript, defining transposition or default expression will allow to tune the query result.
A Dataset is populated by one or several queries, with one paramset per join table. Join queries are executed in a second step and merged in memory. Drilldown and Details screen with related links are defined. Script allow to define data transformation.
Factor object define a column. It can be a database field, JS expression, concatenation of other factors, a constant, etc… Style, data type, code resolution, agregation for total line, date formatting with Y2K, dictionary for translation, and many options are defined.
For each language a dictionnary can be created. You may import all object alias and enter translation, or run a query, or input a text map, this to populate the dictionnary.
Keys features

Administrator keeps Storm instances up and running, managing projects, connections to databases and users permissions, this without being a user nor a developer.
Project is a configuration selected by the user on login screen. It define core and business XML repositories, root folder , IP / Port / SSL certificate for dataserver, global data refresh period, log alert, default options, locale settings and SMTP param.
Database object contains engine, driver, host and port, DSN and schema. By default, user and password are provided by the user, be can be define here. Variables, missing primary and foreigns keys can be added. Drilldown, code tables and default column for code resolution are stored in this object